Bone Building Books
Step-by-Step Guides for the Preparation and Articulation of Animal Skeletons
By Lee Post (a.k.a. Boneman)
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Bone Builders' Babies
Babies from 2005 to 2024 (WOW! That's a lot of years!)
Most current photos will now be at the top.
Skeletons and more skeletons from those who have articulated their bone babies. If you have an articulated skeleton and would like to share it with the universe, please email a picture of it to me at and Mary (my accomplice) will add it to the Bone Builders' Babies Page.
Happy Bone Building! Lee
If you have submitted a photo to be included on this page but don't see it here (for which I humbly apologize!), PLEASE let us know
by re-sending the photo with your name, where you are from and the name of the species of skeleton you put together.
Click on individual photos to enlarge and click on the first photo of each group to see a slideshow of the pictures.
GROUP 2024
Click on the first photo of each group, to view a slideshow of that group.
North American RaccoonArticulated by Stephanie Luckasevic from Pittsburgh, PA USA (Lee said that the skeleton looks like it's crawling out of a maceration bucket saying, "I'm done!") |
GROUP 2022
Click on the first photo of each group, to view a slideshow of that group.
Skeleton RepairSuper interns Abbie Flowers and Mikayla Zylich, repaired a lynx skeleton that had been on display at the Center for Coastal Studies and pretty much totally rebuilt a bald eagle skeleton that had done a crash landing within the Pratt Museum some time in the past. They did fantastic on that. | Abbie and MikaylaAbbie Flowers and Mikayla Zylich with the eagle they repaired. | EagleFor the Pratt Museum, Homer, Alaska |
PUPPIESArticulated by Tessa Hennigan, Sinton, Texas - Used the Oxidation Method | STILLBORN CALFArticulated by Jorja - A teenaged Skeleton Builder from Northern Washington | STILLBORN CALFArticulated by Jorja - A teenaged Skeleton Builder from Northern Washington |
MOUNTAIN LIONArticulated by Jorja - A teenaged Skeleton Builder from Northern Washington | MOUNTAIN LIONArticulated by Jorja - A teenaged Skeleton Builder from Northern Washington | HORSEArticulated by Paulina Svec, Ft. Collins, CO - This was her first skeleton articulation. She spent about 300 hours of work on it. |
HORSEArticulated by Paulina Svec, Ft. Collins, CO - This was her first skeleton articulation. She spent about 300 hours of work on it. | WHITE TAILED DEERArticulated by Jonathan Aghion, Silver Springs, MD |
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Rougheye Rock Fish (Sebastes aleutians) 21 inches long Prepared by Pete Lathourakis from Seattle, Washington. He does these on a boat in the Bering Sea since his girlfriend won't let him work on his stinky hobby at home. (Gee I wonder why!) | Pacific Cod (Gadus macrocephalus) Prepared by Pete Lathourakis from Seattle, Washington. | Bigmouth Sculpin (Hemitripterus bolini) 16 inches long Prepared by Pete Lathourakis from Seattle, Washington. |
Coatimundi (Nasua nasua) Articulated by Jean Beeloo from: Netherlands, Den Hagg | Coatimundi (Nasua nasua) Articulated by Jean Beeloo from: Netherlands, Den Hagg | Coatimundi (Nasua nasua) Articulated by Jean Beeloo from: Netherlands, Den Hagg |
Townsend's Mole (Scapanus townsendii) Prepared by Tyana King of Washington State. These were prepared without beetles or maceration in a total of 4 days using hydrogen peroxide, water, and a scalpel. More details on the Oxidation Method page of this website. Go to Page Oxidation Method | Townsend's Mole (Scapanus townsendii) Prepared by Tyana King of Washington State, USA. See details on the Oxidation Method page on this website. Go to Page Oxidation Method | Townsend's Mole (Scapanus townsendii) Prepared by Tyana King of Washington State, USA. See details on the Oxidation Method page on this website. Go to Page Oxidation Method |
Striped Skunk (percula) Articulated by Zack Oxley From: Colfax, California | Striped Skunk (percula) Articulated by Zack Oxley From: Colfax, California | Striped Skunk (percula) Articulated by Zack Oxley From: Colfax, California |
Kookaburra (dacelo) Articulated by Jean Beeloo From: Netherlands, Hagg | Baby Opossum (Didelphimorphia) Prepared by Tyana King of Washington State, USA. See details on the Oxidation Method page on this website. Go to Page Oxidation Method | Chicken Skeleton (pullus) Articulated by Thomas TK Tungnung From: Manipur, India |
Articulated by Anita Lang Germany |
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Mallard duck (Anas platyrbynchos)Articulated by Heather (high school student) from Ontario Canada. This is her first skeleton. | Beaver (Castor canadensis)Won 2nd place in the Dutch Taxidermy competition. Articulated by Walter Dingemanse, Holland. | Bulldog(Canis lupis familiaris) Articulated by Walter Dingemanse, Holland. |
Pot Bellied pig(Susscrofa domesticus) Articulated by Thomas Marquart, Germany | Pine Marten (Martes martes)Articulated by Thomas Marquart, Germany | Roe Deer (in a row)(Capreolus capreolus) Articulated by Thomas Marquart, Germany |
Raccoon (Procyon lotor)Articulated by Thomas Marquart, Germany | Marmoset (Callithrix jacchus)Articulated by Henry Rae of Scotland | Carrion Crow (Corvus corone)Articulated by Henry Rae of Scotland |
Buzzard (Buteo buteo)Articulated by Henry Rae of Scotland | Reindeer (named Epoxy)(Rangifer tarandus) Articulated by students at St. George School on the Pribilof Islands, Alaska, along with the Boneman and Mike Etnier. | Brown Bear-In-A-Box(Ursus arctos) Articulated by Sheryl and Ed Sotelo and their students, Homer, Alaska, along with the Boneman. This totally comes apart down to each individual bone and fits into a portable box for classes to articulate. |
Cuvier's Beaked whale(Ziphius caviostris) In Kodiak Alaska, articulated by Lee Post, Homer, Alaska | Dall's porpoise (Phocoenoides dalli)In Kodiak Alaska, articulated by L Lee Post (Boneman), Homer, Alaska | Timber wolf - named TikaaniArticulated by Cantwell school students in Cantwell, Alaska, along with the Boneman. The wolf is now at Denali Institute, Denali National Park, Alaska |
Bone CarArticulated by Brad Yonkers from Connecticut | Bone CarArticulated by Brad Yonkers from Connecticut "Baby you can drive my car!" | Bone CarArticulated by Brad Yonkers from Connecticut |
Bone CarArticulated by Brad Yonkers from Connecticut | Bone CarArticulated by Brad Yonkers from Connecticut | Brown Bear Paw - Palmar View(Ursus arctos) Articulated by Mike Lettis, Anchor Point, Alaska (US 25 cent coin for size comparison) |
Brown Bear Paw - Dorsal View(Ursus arctos) Articulated by Mike Lettis, Anchor Point, Alaska (US 25 cent coin for size comparison) | Lion and ElandPanthera leo - Taurotragus oryx) Articulated by Skulls Unlimited, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. This will be one of the exhibits in their new museum of osteology located in Oklahoma City. | Raccoon (Procyon lotor)Articulated by Bone-Lady from Victoria, BC |
Raccoon (Procyon lotor)Articulated by Bone-Lady from Victoria, BC | White-tail fawn (Odocoileus virginiaArticulated by Bone-Lady from Victoria, BC | Coyote (Canis latrans)Articulated by Melissa LaMere, Minnesota |
Bull dog (Canis lupis familiaris)Articulated by Melissa LaMere, Minnesota | Goat Capra (aegagrus hircus)Articulated by Cindy Beck Bad to the Bone Taxidermy Manteca, California | Baby Ewe (Ovem reddet)Articulated by Cindy Beck Bad to the Bone Taxidermy Manteca, California |
Mini-Donkey (Equus africanus asinus)Articulated by Cindy Beck Bad to the Bone Taxidermy Manteca, California | Mini-Horse (Equus ferus caballus)Articulated by Cindy Beck Bad to the Bone Taxidermy Manteca, California | Carpet Python(Morelia spilotus variegatus) Articulated by Jan Helsen, Belgium |
Green Iguana (Iguana iguana)Articulated by Jan Helsen, Belgium | Tiger Python (Python molurus)Articulated by Jan Helsen, Belgium, |
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This is my all-time favorite skeletal articulation done by Samuel Harmsted Chubb, for the American Museum of Natural History (NYC) sometime before 1944. Chubb was probably the greatest skeleton articulator ever. | Carpet PythonArticulated by Jan Helsen, Belgium | Timber Wolf (Canis lupis)Articulated by Rob Reysen Lake View Taxidermy Kewaskum, Wisconsin |
White Stork (Ciconia ciconia)Articulated by Angel Blanco, Barcelona, Spain | Finned Pilot Whale(Globicephala melas) An 18-foot-long finned pilot whale - Articulated by the Westford Whale Project: (high school students) from Westford, MA. Submitted by, Michael Taevs | FOX (Vulpes vulpes)Articulated by Roee Shafir from the archaeozoology laboratory at the Haifa University, Israel Notice the fox's right femur. OUCH! |
Wolf (Canis Lupus)Articulated by Roee Shafir Archaeozoology laboratory Haifa university, Israel | Rock Hyrax(Procavia capensis) Articulated by Roee Shafir from the archaeozoology laboratory at the Haifa University, Israe | Agouti from South AmericaArticulated by Walter Dingemanse, Holland |
Macropus rufogriseus) Articulated by Walter Dingemanse, Holland | Horse-on-a-half-shellArticulated by Barbara Corson Harrisburg, Pennsylvania USA This display folds up, making it easy to transport. | Black-backed Jackal(Canis mesomelas) Articulated by Jeanique Maree Student at the University of Johannesburg in South Africa This is Jeanique's first skeleton. |
Chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra)Articulated by Angel Blanco Barcelona | Walabi (Macropus rufogriseus)Articulated by Angel Blanco Barcelona | Raccoon (Procyon lotor)Articulated by Vincent Dean Claunch Niles, Illinois, USA In Latin, lotor means "one who washes". |
Lion (Leo)Articulated by Christophe Deconinck Belgium This is an example of a skeleton done by a person who put 3 times as much thought and energy into building this skeleton, than most. First-Class Fastidious. |
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European Badger (Meles meles)Articulated by: Jean-Christophe Theil Student from Paris | European badger (Meles meles)Articulated by: Jean-Christophe Theil Student from Paris | House Cat (Felis catus)That's Latin for Kitty-Kitty. Articulated by: Jean-Christophe Theil Student from Paris |
Grey triggerfish (Balistes capriscus) Articulated by: Jean-Christophe Theil Student from Paris | cormorantPhalacrocora-aristotelijeanchriCormorant (Phalacrocorax aristoteli) Articulated by: Jean-Christophe Theil Student from Paris | Pine Marten (Martes fonia)Articulated by: Jean-Christophe Theil Student from Paris |
Pine Marten (Martes fonia)Articulated by: Jean-Christophe Theil Student from Paris | Red fox (Vulpes vulpes)Articulated by: Jean-Christophe Theil Student from Paris | Common murre (Uria aalge)Articulated by: Jean-Christophe Theil Student from Paris |
Domestic Cat (Felis catus)Another Kitty-Kitty! Articulated by: Jean-Christophe Theil Student from Paris | Blue breasted KingfisherArticulated by: Walter t' Velt, Holland | Black Woodpecker (Dryocopus martius)Articulated by: Walter 't Velt, Holland |
Black-legged Kittiwake Rissa tridactNumber one in the Dutch Taxidermy competition- 2007 Articulated by: Walter 't Velt, Holland | Great Spotted WoodpeckersArticulated by Walter t' Velt, Holland | dwergmeeuwWalterVarcoeArticulated by Walter t' Velt, Holland |
Jackass Penguin (Speniscus demerus)Articulated by: Walter 't Velt, Holland | Red-billed Hornbills(Tockus erythrorhynchus) Best of Show in the Dutch Taxidermy competition 2007 Articulated by: Walter 't Velt, Holland | Common Dolphin (Delphinis delphis)Articulated by: Sheila Flynn, RDH Sheridan College, Sheridan Wyoming |
Cougar (Felis concolor) | Cougar (Felis concolor)(that's Latin for BIG Kitty-kitty) (That's Latin for BIG kitty-kitty) Articulated by: Sonia Gretchen, Conservation Officer Cypress Hills Inter-provincial Park, Alberta Canada | Velvet Scoter (Holoserica scoter)Articulated by: Ms. Martta Viljanen, Mrs. Outi Ovaskainen, Mr. Philipp Lehman & Janne Granroth University of Helsinki, Faculty of Bio sciences, Department of Biological and Environmental sciences, Finland |
Articulated by: Ms. Martta Viljanen, Mrs. Outi Ovaskainen, Mr. Philipp Lehman & Janne Granroth University of Helsinki, Faculty of Bio sciences, Department of Biological and Environmental sciences, Finland | White Tailed Deer (Tailed deer-albumArticulated by: Conneaut Lake High School biology students of Ed Vorisek Biology and Environmental Science | Pacific Sea Otter (Enhydra lutris)Articulated by: William Stewart of the Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute on the FAU campus in Ft. Pierce, FL |
White Tailed Deer (Tailed deer-albumArticulated by: Conneaut Lake High School biology students of Ed Vorisek Biology and Environmental Science | Eastern Gray Squirrel(Sciurus carolinensis) Articulated by: Vincent of Chicago, Illinois | Harbour Porpoise (Phocoena phocoena)Articulated by: Ben Garrod United Kingdom |
Grey Seal (Halichoerus grypus)Articulated by: Ben Garrod United Kingdom | Seal Head Before (gunshot damage)Articulated by: Ben Garrod United Kingdom | Seal Head After (repair)Articulated by: Ben Garrod United Kingdom |
Brushtail Possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) Articulated by: Vanessa Taylor - Australia |
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Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes)Articulated by: Ben Garrod United Kingdom | Clinking Currawong(Strepera versicolor arguta) Articulated by: Vanessa Taylor - Australia | Common Wombat (Vombatus ursinus)Articulated by: Vanessa Taylor - Australia |
14-foot Saltwater Crocodile(Crocodylus porosus) Articulated by: Darrell Blatchley - Southeast Asia | 14-foot Saltwater Crocodile(Crocodylus porosus) Articulated by: Darrell Blatchley - Southeast Asia | Dugong (Dugong dugon)Articulated by: Darrell Blatchley - Southeast Asia |
Pelican (Pelecanus)Articulated by: Trudy Fennell - Australia | Three-toed Sloth(Bradypus Variegatus) Articulated by: Nicholas Larghi University of Rhode Island | Harp Seal (Pagophilus groenlandicus)Atriculated by the faculty and staff of the Department of Biomedical Sciences, Atlantic Veterinary College, University of Prince Edward Island and the Canadian Cooperative Wildlife Health Centre. Submitted by Grant Curtis |
Atlantic White-Sided Dolphin(Lagenorhynchus acutus) Atriculated by the faculty and staff of the Department of Biomedical Sciences, Atlantic Veterinary College, University of Prince Edward Island and the Canadian Cooperative Wildlife Health Centre. Submitted by Grant Curtis | Pit Bull (Canis familiaris)Articulated by Lindsay Harper | Rat (Rattus rattus)Articulated by Lindsay Harper |
Otter (Lutra lutra)Articulated by Melissa Ewens - Australia | Western diamondback rattlesnake(Crotalus atrox) Articulated by: Sebastien Enault Doctorant/PhD student, Équipe University Montpellier France | Russian Turtle(Agryonemys horsfieldii) Articulated by: Sebastien Enault Doctorant/PhD student, Équipe University Montpellier France |
Monkfish Skull (Lophius piscatorius)Articulated by: Sebastien Enault Doctorant/PhD student, Équipe University Montpellier France | Townsend's Mole (Scapanus townsendiiArticulated by: Sebastien Enault Doctorant/PhD student, Équipe University Montpellier France | Gecko (Gecko gecko)Articulated by: Sebastien Enault Doctorant/PhD student, Équipe University Montpellier France |
Surinam Toad (Pipa pipa)Articulated by: Sebastien Enault Doctorant/PhD student, Équipe University Montpellier France | Razorbill (Alca torda)Articulated by: Sebastien Enault Doctorant/PhD student, Équipe University Montpellier France | Baby Skate (Raja sp.)Articulated by: Sebastien Enault Doctorant/PhD student, Équipe University Montpellier France |
Channel Catfish (Ictalurus punctatusArticulated by: Sebastien Enault Doctorant/PhD student, Équipe University Montpellier France | Frilled Dragon (Chlamydosaurus kingiArticulated by: Sebastien Enault Doctorant/PhD student, Équipe University Montpellier France | Baby Spectacled Caiman(Caiman crocodilus) Articulated by: Sebastien Enault Doctorant/PhD student, Équipe University Montpellier France |
Rock Squirrel(Otospermophilus variegatus) Articulated by: Sebastien Enault Doctorant/PhD student, Équipe University Montpellier France | Horses (Equus equus)Articulated by Walter Varcoe | Horse (Equus equus)Articulated by Walter Varcoe |
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Loggerhead Sea TurtleRead about how Joanie came to Alaska with her turtle bones to have Boneman help her put it together--on the Turtle Skeleton page | Loggerhead Sea TurtleLee got to hold the turtle... once. | Opah Fish (Lampris guttatus)Articulated by Thierry Loeb The boneman of France |
Bison (Bison bison)Articulated by Thierry Loeb The boneman of France | Antelope-Lechew (Kobus Leche)Articulated by Thierry Loeb The boneman of France | Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes)Articulated by Thierry Loeb The boneman of France |
Crocodile of the Nile(Crocodilus niloticus) Articulated by Thierry Loeb The boneman of France | Porcupine (Hystrix cristata)Articulated by Thierry Loeb The boneman of France | Blackbuck Antelope (Antilope cervicaArticulated by Thierry Loeb The boneman of France |
Harbor Porpoise (Phocoena phocoena)Articulated by Grethe Hillersøy, Nature Interpreter from the Norwegian Nature Inspectorate Ytre Hvaler Marine National Park. | Harbor Porpoise (Phocoena phocoena)Articulated by Grethe Hillersøy, Nature Interpreter from the Norwegian Nature Inspectorate Ytre Hvaler Marine National Park. | Gannet (Morus bassanus)Articulated by Grethe Hillersøy, Nature Interpreter from the Norwegian Nature Inspectorate Ytre Hvaler Marine National Park. |
Sea Lion (Zalophus californianus)Articulated by Lisa Babilonia, Gary, Frank, and Paul Clavio Clark Paleontology Museum California | Sea Lion (Zalophus californianus)Articulated by Lisa Babilonia, Gary, Frank, and Paul Clavio Clark Paleontology Museum California | Steller's Sea Lion(Eumetopias jubatus) Articulated by Mike and Michi deRoos - Cetacea Contracting, Ltd. Canada |
Steller's Sea Lion(Eumetopias jubatus) Articulated by Mike and Michi deRoos - Cetacea Contracting, Ltd. Canada | Steller's Sea Lion(Eumetopias jubatus) Articulated by Mike and Michi deRoos - Cetacea Contracting, Ltd. Canada | Steller's Sea Lion(Eumetopias jubatus) Articulated by Mike and Michi deRoos - Cetacea Contracting, Ltd. Canada |
Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis)Articulated by Ben Hindmarsh from Canada | Panther Chameleon (Furcifer pardalisArticulated by Mario Inti Reyes from Virginia, USA Mario used meal worms to clean the skeleton. | Blackbird (Turdus merula)Articulated by Morag Jones - Lochan House Waterfowl |
Blackbird (Turdus merula)Articulated by Morag Jones - Lochan House Waterfowl | Blackbird (Turdus merula)Articulated by Morag Jones - Lochan House Waterfowl | Pine Marten (Martes martes)Articulated by Morag Jones - Lochan House Waterfowl |
Red-Tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis)Dante--Mantling Pose Articulated by Amanda Cozic - Baton Rouge, Louisiana at the Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine | Cuban Tree Frog(Osteopilus septentrionalis) Done By Hollis Dahn - Georgia (formally of Florida). This frog was skeletonized by using 3% hydrogen peroxide as an oxidizing agent. See the Oxidization Method page for more details. | River Otter (Lontra canadensis)Articulated by 15 students in Dillingham, Alaska, during a three-day weekend college class I taught, which was open to high school students. |
Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes)Articulated by 15 students in Dillingham, Alaska, during a three-day weekend college class I taught, which was open to high school students. |
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Ostrich (Struthio camelus)and Nandou (Rhea americana) Articulated By Alain Skeleton Builder and Collector from Belgium | chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes)Articulated By Alain Skeleton Builder and Collector from Belgium | kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae)Articulated By Alain Skeleton Builder and Collector from Belgium |
Harbor Seal #1 (Otto)(Phoca vitulina) Articulated by Esther Sanchez of Barcelona, Spain, Working in Iceland | Harbor Seal #2 (Thor)(Phoca vitulina) Articulated by Esther Sanchez of Barcelona, Spain, Working in Iceland | Harbor Porpoise (Phocoena phocoena)Harbor Porpoise Project 2013 Marine Mammal Camp - Center for Alaskan Coastal Studies This was a "kid" project. The skeleton was put together with the help of 4th to 6th graders. It was done during a five-day camp at a wilderness nature center (boat access only), near Homer, Alaska. |
Harbor Porpoise (Phocoena phocoena)Harbor Porpoise Project 2013 Marine Mammal Camp - Center for Alaskan Coastal Studies This was a "kid" project. The skeleton was put together with the help of 4th to 6th graders. It was done during a five-day camp at a wilderness nature center (boat access only), near Homer, Alaska. | Harbor Seal (Phoca vitulina)2014 Marine Mammal Camp - Center for Alaskan Coastal Studies. The kiddos put a harbor seal skeleton together. | Harbor Seal (Phoca vitulina)2014 Marine Mammal Camp - Center for Alaskan Coastal Studies. The kiddos put a harbor seal skeleton together. |
Harbor Seal (Phoca vitulina)2014 Marine Mammal Camp - Center for Alaskan Coastal Studies. The kiddos put a harbor seal skeleton together. | 20-year-old male African LionArticulated by Jeff Gustafson Butternut, Wi. USA | 20-year-old male African LionArticulated by Jeff Gustafson Butternut, Wi. USA |
White-tailed Deer(Odocoileus virginianus texanus) Articulated by Flint Loughridge McKinney, Texas, USA | Coyote (Canus latrans)Articulated by Flint Loughridge McKinney, Texas, USA | Lynx and Saw-whet OwlLynx (canadensis) & Saw-Whet Owl (Aegolius acadicus Articulated by Lee Post (Boneman) Homer, Alaska USA |
Lynx and Saw-whet OwlLynx (canadensis) & Saw-Whet Owl (Aegolius acadicus Articulated by Lee Post (Boneman) Homer, Alaska USA | Lion (Panthera leo) and his killArticulated by Andrew Columbus, Ohio USA | Lion (Panthera leo) and his killArticulated by Andrew Columbus, Ohio USA |
Macaque Monkey (macaca)Articulated by Andrew Columbus, Ohio USA | Magellanic Penguin and a Butterflyfi(Spheniscus magellanicus & Chaetodontidae) Articulated by Andrew Columbus, Ohio USA | River Otter (Lutra canadensis)Articulated by Andrew Columbus, Ohio USA |
Female Chacma Baboon (Papio ursinus)Articulated by Andrew Columbus, Ohio USA | Marabou Stork (marabou ciconia)Articulated by Andrew Columbus, Ohio USA | Wallaby (Macropus)Articulated by Andrew Columbus, Ohio USA |
Raccoon (Procyon lotor)Articulated by Andrew Columbus, Ohio USA | Ostrich (Struthio camelus)Articulated by Andrew Columbus, Ohio USA | Dog (Canis lupus familiaris),Steven Finke & His dog, Shade, (Umbra) was a beloved companion for 15 years. |
Dog (Canis lupus familiaris)Articulated by Steven Finke - The dog, Shade, (Umbra) was a beloved companion for 15 years. |
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Wolf (lupus)Articulated by Anita Lang Germany | Doe a Deer (arietes)Articulated by Libby Markham Sioux City, Iowa | Doe a Deer (arietes)Articulated by Libby Markham Sioux City, Iowa |
Doe a Deer (arietes)Articulated by Libby Markham Sioux City, Iowa | Horse (equus)Articulated by Matt Crockett Dallas, Texas USA | Horse (equus)Articulated by Matt Crockett Dallas, Texas USA |
Starling (sturnus)Cleaned by using the Oxidation Method By Alex Richards La Crosse, Wisconsin USA | Starling (sturnus)Cleaned by using the Oxidation Method By Alex Richards La Crosse, Wisconsin USA | Starling (sturnus)Cleaned by using the Oxidation Method By Alex Richards La Crosse, Wisconsin USA |
Gannet (Morus)Articulated by Mike Davis | Stillborn Goat (capra)Articulated by Gary Schiller of New Smyrna Beach, Florida | Stillborn Goat (capra)Articulated by Gary Schiller of New Smyrna Beach, Florida |
Stillborn Goat (capra)Articulated by Gary Schiller of New Smyrna Beach, Florida |